of a
Draw Your Words
How we do it
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How we do it
Step 1
: NLP & Word Vectors
English multi-task CNN trained on OntoNotes, with GloVe vectors trained on Common Crawl. Assigns word vectors, context-specific token vectors, POS tags, dependency parse and named entities.
Step 2
: Dimension Reduction
Performs Principle Component Analysis (PCA) to reduce the number of dimensions to 2.
Step 3
: Fourier Transform
Compute a Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) on the points in space.
Step 4
: Epicycle Drawing
An Epicycle is a small circle whose center moves around the circumference of a larger one.
What can you change?
Text Analysis Methods
Word Embedding
Uses word vectors as points in the path
Sentence Embedding
Uses sentence vectors as points in the path
Sentence Grammar Space
Uses sentence statistics (i.e. number of adjectives / number of words) as points in the path
Document Grammar Statistics
Takes document statistics as values for each epicycle.
Connect by Distance
Connects the dots in the order based on the next closest point.
Connect by Word Order
Connects the dots in the order the words appear in the text.
Flower by Distance
Path goes back to the center after each point moving to the next closest point.
Flower by Word Order
Path goes back to the center after each point moving to the next word in the text.
Special Thanks to the Following:
Coding Train - Drawing with Fourier Transform and Epicycles